> I pay $36/mo for my aDSL. $50 _more_ sounds a lot.

rest assured, some of the mail i've received in response to this has even
lower price points.  several have described service businesses which amount
to virtual linux or shell/imap/smarthost but i havn't decided whether to
include all of those categories in my results.

> ... it's the geeky thing to do, what does it change in the big scheme ...?

it's a vision thing.  i like the idea of responsible 1U-owners extending
their digital footprint to all parts of the globe.  most domestic residences
don't have UPS, backup generator, or high speed IP with static global
addresses.  and there is no reason to try to solve that problem given the
way-more-efficient 1U colo model.

$50/month at 40U rentable is $2000/rack/month if it's full.  after paying
for 60A of power and 50Mbits/sec of transit and whatever the rack rents for,
the provider's gross margin will be between 25% and 50%, out of which they
have to pay salaries.  as a standalone business this makes no sense, but
at scale or as part of another business, $50/month @1U is just about right.

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