Speaking on Deep Background, the Press Secretary whispered:
> I have read the filing it's another step down the road.  True all comms
> are subject to intercept _already_ what is desired is a way to _easily_
> perform the intercept and the easily part is the kicker.  Some things
> should be hard especially where civil rights are involved.

It can not be emphasized enough that what the Feebees want now
is what they always have wanted....

That's NOT just a way to intercept What You Say, but a way to
intercept What You Say INEXPENSIVELY FOR THEM. They can and do kick
on CO doors with paper in hand; but they want to save shoe leather.

This is a budget issue for them. Thinking it is purely a technology
issue is a trap, as it is anything but. It's a manpower/staffing
resources one.

A host is a host from coast to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433

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