On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:

>       Tyan (& another I can't remember now) have console forwarding to
>       the com1 port .  This MB is available in PenguinComputing's 1u &
>       2u systems .  They run *BSD just fine as well .  Hth ,  JimL

Many of Intel's server boards support this (or at least did as of several
years ago).  I had some issues getting Linux to play nice with that
feature turned on.  I never had one of them sitting around long to figure
out the issues before putting them in service (with console redirection
turned off).  This was the T440BX/NL440BX board, which is kind of dated

If you have some old Cacheflow boxes sitting around, they probably
have this board in them.  I don't know if they've done anything to them
that would cause problems using it in something other than the cacheflow.

 Jon Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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