Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daniel Golding writes:

Slightly off-topic...

Most technical fields have standard journals that they use to publish
interesting findings and new ways of doing things. Everything from Nature to
the JAMA. Here's the question for the group: Do these sorts of publications
exist in the networking/carrier/internetworking space, and if not, should

I've approached a few likely parties; reaction thus far is favorable. I'll post a note here when I get explicit go-aheads. It's not free for the publishing venue -- they have to have access to enough competent reviewers.

The converse, of course, is that the operational community will have to
generate enough papers...

What ever happened to the blue, paper-back-book-sizes periodical, "Proceedings of the Bell Laboratories" or summatlikethat?

(Hmmmm...I wonder which library _those_ are buried in.....)

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