On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 08:09:39 +0000 (UTC), Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
>>You, sure, how about the people who are not really computer literate and
>>use SMTP AUTH to send their mail from various places? Remember that
>>convinience almost always outweighs security with the general
>>population. If it wouldn´t, the ICT market would not look like it looks
>That was solved 6 years ago. You let them use port 587 instead of 25.

Another datapoint.

That may have been "solved 6 years ago" in theory, but in practice it
is not and that needs to be addressed before one can point the unwashed
masses to this option.   I am rumoured to be literate computer user and
after many months of trying I cannot  find a combination of providers
and software which will accomplish this for me.  I travel a lot and need
this service.

I have read rfc2476.html.

Jeffrey Race

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