As much as I hate to open this can of worms, I am online, I do work for
AT&T and I do have a vested interest in SPAM and other ISP related

Some of you may recall I was the naive idiot that allowed AT&T to launch
the Do Not Call Registry without first learning the rules, etiquette and
proper structure of email.  It caused a stir among many of you nanog'ers
and a major pain for AT&T in email blocking and other unintended
consequences.  As the Government pushes through the maze in an effort to
make sense of the CANSPAM Act, I continue to stay engaged and am most
definitely an anti-spam proponent.

When I saw Mr. Lorenz's post I immediately verified it did indeed come
from AT&T and called the responsible party.  

Having spoken directly to her, I would like to point out that she did
indeed take the time to research the FCC SPAM laws and has stuck to
them.  She has provided an opt-out message and assures me she takes it
very seriously.  If you have responded to her with a request to NOT be
contacted again, you have not been.

The other side of this coin is her responsibilities are to sell
specifically to ISP's, she is young, aggressive and very successful.
AT&T's new rate structure has been significantly reduced and this was an
expedient way to get the word out.  For nearly 80% of those on her mail
list, there has been a very positive response and many smiling faces at
the money they will be saving.  I do not mean this to be a sales pitch,
just a different perspective.

My apologies to those that are/were offended.  I will monitor all input
from nanog on this communication chain and forward my (and your)
thoughts to Ms. Macker for consideration and appropriate action. 

Thanks for listening!!

Richard Callahan 

-----Original Message-----
Dr. Jeffrey Race
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: SPAM Directly from AT&T Data Networking

In the last few days I have had two spams with injection
point  This definitely needs to be addressed
by ATT.  Anyone online from ATT like to say something?

Jeffrey Race

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:17:08 -0400 (EDT), William R. Lorenz 

>So, with AT&T being a network provider at all, is it just 
customary for
>them to SPAM like this?  This is the second one I've 
received from them.

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