Ordnance Find Closes Baltimore Tunnel 

BALTIMORE (AP) -- The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel has been closed indefinitely
after a worker at a nearby construction site discovered military ordnance. 

Nine munitions, ranging in size from 500 to 4,000 pounds, had been found
since early Wednesday. The construction site, less than a half-mile from
the tunnel, was once used by the Navy to assemble and disassemble ships. 

Disposal teams were working to determine the status of the munitions, said
Col. Tim Madere, of the Aberdeen Proving Ground. 

Military investigators are trying to determine exactly where the ordnance
came from, said Cpl. Greg Prioleau, a spokesman for the Maryland
Transportation Authority. 

The closing was ordered by Gov. Robert Ehrlich on the recommendations of
ordnance disposal teams from the U.S. Army, Baltimore City, the FBI and the
Maryland State Fire Marshal. Adjacent portions of I-895 also were closed. 

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