Petri Helenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
> > The AGS+ was manufactured in small quantities for many years after
> >
> >commercial sales for all intents and purposes ceased, to support these
> >same customers.
> How much common components / manufacturing did TGS share with AGS?

Certainly not the bent steel (those TGSes were an instant hernia in a
box!), and I think the appliques were actually different assemblies,
not just funky passthroughs.  And of course, power line filtering was
different on the TGS.

Aside from that, though...  the guts were pretty darned similar,
probably identical.  I've certainly swapped boards between [AT]GS
systems with impunity (we weren't worried about maintaining our

Yours for router necromancy and GS2-R...


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