On Mon, 17 May 2004, Jared B. Reimer wrote:

: >We had this problem when our inbound-smtp server ( the server the
: >barracuda is dumping mail to) was accepting all RCPT TOs

: This is a pretty serious flaw IMHO, if it is (in fact) true.  qmail isn't
: the only mailer that behaves this way.

And, regardless of what the Barracuda box did, you should fix your qmail
install.  This behavior is no longer considered acceptable by the 'net at
large, because accept-then-bounce is the biggest cause of virus spew
bounceback spam.

(As a result, people have begun widely blocking MXs that accept-then-bounce.
You'd do yourself quite a favor to convert to reject-at-SMTP now, before you
get blocked too.)


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