On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Jonathan Nichols wrote:

> > 
> > I've been reasonably pleased with using the Idokorro client.  It's at
> > http://www.idokorro.com   It uses SSH2 w/3DES & AES.   It's useful for
> > emergencies, but nothing of great detail or scope for the screen
> > size on my 6820.
> > 
> > -John

openssh on the zarus is exactly like openssh on any other platform. with 
the bluez bluetooth stack I can leave my phone in my pocket.
> Wow. $195 for the Blackberry client? I'll carry around the PowerBook and 
> get a T-Mobile account, thanks! :) It's a lot easier to find a Starbucks 
> in San Francisco than anything else. Just spin around a few times and 
> you'll find one.
> <hops back on topic>
> I wonder how many "IT Security" folks sit down at free Wi-Fi hotspots 
> and telnet into various machines... quite a bit scarier than SSH1 on a 
> PDA, especially after seeing it happen. =/

Joel Jaeggli           Unix Consulting         [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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