Scalable bandwidth is not new and is charged for, what
is the issue about that?

If the network is compromised and it is on the client
end, that is what business insurance is for, so that
everyone gets their's (payments, otherwise other types
of arrangements need to be made, according to the
doctrine of reasonable man....

-henry R Linneweh

--- Adi Linden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If your child borrows your credit card, and makes
> lots of unathorized
> > charges, you may not have to pay more than $50;
> but the bank can go after
> > your son or daughter for the money.  Most parents
> end up paying, even if
> > they didn't authorize their children to use the
> credit card.
> So the credit card company calls you and asks about
> a bunch of suspicious 
> charges being placed on you card. Ok, just keep on
> charging. Now who's to 
> blame for these charges by your sons and daughters
> and the russian mafia?
> I sell a client a metered product (gas, water,
> electricity, telephone, 
> internet data, etc). I notice unusually high
> consumption. I inform the 
> client that the bill is accumulating rather quick
> and I suspect a problem. 
> I have done my job. The client either tells me to
> stop delivery until the 
> problem is diagnosed and resolved or tells me to
> continue service. Either 
> way, the ball in in the clients court. If the client
> chooses continuation 
> of service despite high consumption and subsequent
> huge bill he has an 
> obligation to pay, no matter WHY the usage was to
> high.
> Our society has a screwed up sense of
> responsibility. Everyone else is 
> supposed to look out for me and take care of me. If
> something happens to 
> me because I do something stupid or foolish someone
> failed to warn me, 
> didn't make the sign big enough, didn't sound the
> horn loud enough, didn't 
> lock me up so I couldn't hurt myself. This isn't
> true for everybody but 
> way too many....
> Adi

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