> Sorry, that doesn't hold up entirely.  My ADSL connections to my ISP are 
> being used to route IP addresses that belong to me.  It's a home DSL 
> service coming into my house, but, I have my own portable address space 
> and enough clue to manage my own systems, firewall(s), etc.  Why should 
> I be forced to pay your clue tax?

My arguments are in respect to broadband connections to homes and offices 
without IT department, firewalls or cluefulness. If you own your own IP 
space you'd be considered an ISP, buying transit rather than broadband 
home DSL. What the physical wire looks like the service is delivered on 
really doesn't matter.

If I see your ip space bombarding my mail server I can trace its origin. I 
can contact you and request to fix the problem. If you ignore me, refuse 
to fix the problem I can contact your upstream. Your upstream should then 
have a repsonsiblility to resolve the issue including suspension of 
service if my claims are valid and breach AUP.


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