> Hopefully, the appliances (e.g. MS Windows) will get better over
> time, but in the meanwhile, how do we limit the damage?  The
> end-user wants email and web access, and we give him raw IP
> access and watch the fireworks...
> If user education is the answer, then let the user get educated
> enough to figure out he's NAT'ed and proxied, and then ask to
> have the raw IP service.

 "(MS Windows) will get better over time", but in the meanwhile, with regard
to the "Swiss cheese"OS ; no offense to Swiss, OS of Windows . I and many
others are spending our weekends installing Opera and disabling MSIE on
workstations and converting mail accounts as well. I remember when 3.1's
file manager could poke right through a firewall. MS 3.1 is gone or is it?
And have they (MS) become better or will they continue to bring half baked
pies to the market just to call them fresh, when it reality they are just
unfinished pies. With the brewing of Windows "Longhorn" I don't see this any
hope of that they will get better over time.

Users and employees are like sheep as many employers already know. They
perform the same repetitive task without questions and they will continue to
click those free coupon installers, despite being terminated for doing so.
So do we license the network admins as the MVA or do we issue handicapped
tags for the morons?


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