On 6/16/04 11:23 AM, "David Kennedy CISSP" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://www.overclockersclub.com/?read=8733819
> The Akamai attacks started in the morning and it was detected by
> Keynote Systems, a web tracking company that is able to track the load
> and bandwidth on the Internet. According to Keynote they saw
> an "Internet performance issue" this morning
> ...
> They have tracked the attacker back to person that is at the Akamai
> Technologies ISP. No other information has been given to us at this
> time. We do not know if the FBI is working on this issue right now, but
> we expect them to do so.
> [DMK: Source, beyond overclockers, unknown, reliability and accuracy unknown.]
> Akamai spin:
> http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_vie
> w&newsId=20040616005428&newsLang=en

This seems pretty thin. The supply of uninformed speculation and dubious
"experts" clearly exceeds the demand. I suggest we all wait until Akamai has
concluded their post-mortem.

Daniel Golding
Network and Telecommunications Strategies
Burton Group

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