Maybe if NANOG had, maybe that might be something to
consider - a real-time network of communication for network operators
to deal with issues, etc.

-- Jonathan

On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 22:04:36 -0400 (EDT), Charles Sprickman
> Howdy,
> Is there any place where people with experience dealing with DDoS attacks
> hang out?  I'm getting very little assistance from my upstream beyond
> "call whomever is in charge of each IP attacking and make them stop", and
> "even though we null route the destination IP being attacked, this traffic
> will be billed".
> I've got a nice snippet of flows, so I can mostly see where everything is
> coming from, and it's obvious what the target is, but my
> flow-stat/flow-report skills are pretty weak.
> Oddly, in eight years of working for smallish ISPs I've never been hit
> very hard, believe it or not.  Is the response from my upstream typical?
> I was expecting a bit more cooperation rather than them seeing as this as
> an opportunity to bill me for lots of traffic.
> Thanks,
> Charles
> --
> Charles Sprickman

  Jonathan M. Slivko - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Linux: The Choice for the GNU Generation"
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Don't fear the penguin.
       /(   )\
  He's here to help.

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