** Reply to message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Fri, 25 Jun 2004
17:12:45 +0100

> Remember, that packet switched networking 
> originated with the desire to build a telecom
> network that could survive massive destruction
> on the scale of a nuclear war, but continue to
> function. If we apply that kind of thinking to
> planning network deployment then there should be
> little extra risk from terrorist knowing where
> the vulnerable points are. Spread the risk
> by spreading the vulnerable points.

I thought the old "nuclear survivable" argument was killed off years
ago - I seem to rember it being refuted in "Where Wizards Stay Up Late."

Packet switched networking originated with a desire to see if it would

And you are welcome to assume the expense of spreading the vulnerable

Jeff Shultz
A railfan pulls up to a RR crossing hoping that
there will be a train. 

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