At 9:43 am -0700 (GMT) 25/6/04, Ben Browning wrote:
At 04:00 PM 6/24/2004, Hannigan, Martin wrote:
[ Operations content: ] Do you know of any ISP's null routing AS701?

ISPs? Not of the top of my head. I know several businesses who have, and a great many people who have blocked UUNet space from sending them email, either by using SPEWS, the SBL, or .

I seldom post here because the couple of times I have followed-up to correct wrong statements in nanog regarding Spamhaus, such as the above, I have each time been told by nanog's admin that I will be removed from the nanog list if I respond to any question in nanog regarding Spamhaus again. But, here goes:

The statement by Ben Browning: "I know several businesses who have, and a great many people who have blocked UUNet space from sending them email ... by using ... the SBL" is false, the SBL has never blocked UUNet/MCI IP space that wasn't directly in the control of spammers. If Mr Browning does indeed know "several businesses and a great many people" whose UUNet/MCI IP space has been blocked by the SBL, then Mr Browning knows several spam outfits and a great many spammers.

  Steve Linford
  The Spamhaus Project

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