On Jun 29, 2004, at 12:36 AM, Edward B. Dreger wrote:

If the Court considers it a state matter, and lacks the ability
to regulate interstate commerce, does that mean out-of-state ISPs
recognizing ARIN's authority are not required to listen to the

Who cares what the court thinks? Are you mentioned in the TRO? If not, do a quick look at all CIDRs in ^8001$ and find any sub-CIDRs without _8001_ in the path. Your routers, you decide what to do with the prefix.

Of course, if you just happen to uphold INTERNET STANDARDS and only accept routes from where they should originate, I'll buy you a drink at the next NANOG for being a good netizien. :)


IANAL. Hell, I'm not even an ISP. :)


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