On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 04:29:08PM -0400, Patrick W Gilmore wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2004, at 4:15 PM, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> >I was also concerned, until I read the actual pleadings.
> >
> >Although nobody's ever allowed us (AS19933) more than 1 month to
> >renumber, and we've always had to pay both providers during the time,
> >so we've always kept it as short as possible anyway....
> But now you can get PI space and take well over a year to renumber into 
> it without fear of ARIN asking for it back.

I think it is important to note that different applications have different
time requirements for renumbering. Cable modem customers on DHCP could
renumbered as quickly as your lease time. Routers can be renumbered with a
couple of conf t statements. Hosting you directly control can be
renumbered with sed and/or some quick perl scripts.

But have you ever tried renumbering thousands of web hosting IPs used by
hundreds of clueless wannabe point and click sysadmins using cpanel? Just
remmeber that almost every one of those hoster customers probably has
customers of their own, with hundreds of domains and DNS managed by god
only knows what interface, not to mention poorly written embedded perl and
php scripts, and oh did I mention cpanel?

It is a really poor assumption to think that just because it takes someone
like this a year to renumber space, that they must be lazy or stupid or
doing something horribly wrong themselves. I can't tell you for sure that
it isn't that case here, but I CAN tell you for sure that I have seen
similar lead times to renumber blocks from otherwise very hard working and
intelligent folks in this business. We all complain when some piece of
ARIN policy which doesn't fit our business model affects us negatively, I
don't see why web hosting folks deserve any less consideration.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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