On Sat, 3 Jul 2004, Randy Bush wrote:

> but you seem to think they are served in exchange points, and not
> just to those that run them, but to all comers.  very cool.
> sad to say, we're past 1999 now.  out here in the free world (and
> those countries we bomb and/or invade[0]) folk seem to want us to
> pay for what we eat.  bummer, eh?

The weird thing is that I (and partners) have been running an IX wth 4 
nodes since 2001 with the business model I have mentioned and as far as I 
can calculate, we have at least made break-even.

At $5k a year for FE and $10k a year for GE and letting the ISP provide
their own access to the IX via whatever means they have available, it's
possible to run an IX if you just want to provide the IX L2 unicast
service and not have a lot of other services around. We calculated that we
needed three customers per PoP and we've had more than that. The initial
investment in switches was approx $50k per PoP.

Running L2 switches is quite simple, I don't see what all the fuss is

If the above model doesnt work in your area, though luck for you, guess 
you have to pass on the added cost to your customers.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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