On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 02:17:45AM -0700, Dan Hollis wrote:

> Does anyone know of a way to send SMS messages without an internet 
> connection?

You have been pointed to the Cell phone solutions already (I'd recommend a
Siemens in this case, as it uses AT-commands for
everything ... extremely easy to script these).

Apart from that some Cell phone providers did have a regular phone
number where you could call, and send a message via a terminal
program (might have been a 0900 number). You could ask the provider you
want to send a SMS to, if they have this service.

> AT&T shut down their TAP dialup late last year.

Then tell them to reactivate it or tell your boss that your company has to
change cell-phone providers, because
AT&T doesn't provide the service (that you without doubt have in
your contract) anymore.

> The only method that comes to mind is to buy a GSM modem which has SMS 
> messaging capability.

Give the sending PC a modem, to establish a internet connection
with another provider. That way this PC has internet, even if your
connection is broken. Dialup should be enough for sending out a SMS.


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