> DAU> Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 14:46:02 -0700
> DAU> From: David A. Ulevitch
> DAU> I don't think SPF is worthless [1] but it isn't a drop-in
> DAU> solution and the impact on infrastructure will be
> DAU> significant if it becomes widely adopted.
> When an architecture is "maxed out", it's difficult to make
> significant improvents that are drop-in.
> DAU> I think people will realize that if we're remodeling the
> DAU> boat that much we should have at least made sure we were
> DAU> fixing something in the process...
> Indeed.
> Hogging the TXT RR is a bit greedy.  Assuming homogenous policy
> across a domain name is a stretch.  Surely someone else noticed
> KRB5 and its interaction with DNS.
> Running something DNS-based that requires simple parsing is
> hardly an earth-shattering change; it smells similar to DNSBLs,
> yes?  Yet it's still somewhat controversial.
> And then there's LDAP...
> In a situation where widespread agreement is mandatory, and
> consensus is better, drastic changes are difficult.  If all
> netop-related technologies required NANOG-L agreement, nothing
> would ever get done.
> I'd like to see widespread adoption of authenticated SMTP, with
> per-user restrictions on sender address.  Alas, that's more
> difficult than, say, SAV.  Call me cynical, but I don't see
> anything like SMTP auth+restrict taking the world by storm in the
> near future.
> No, SPF isn't perfect.  I'm trying to decide if it's even "good".
> Are the benefits worth the effort?  I'm hopeful, but time will
> tell.  Time will tell, but I'm hopeful.  At this point, I'm game
> to give it a shot.

Sender-ID is not SPF.  Sender-ID ignores the RFC 2821 MAIL-FROM and thus
does not stop the bounce technique.  It does not stop the virus filter
response.  Sender-ID does not allow for accurate accreditation.  Microsoft
wants everyone to sign a mutual IPR where this can not be transfered.  After
all the problems, much with the excessive use of DNS TXT records, Sender-ID
will not have changed the amount of abuse seen, but will raise the support
required to help customers with their mail.


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