BS> Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 21:33:33 +1000
BS> From: Bevan Slattery

BS> The service doesn't use a transparent firewall/proxy, but
BS> instead updates routing information by BGP and that traffic
BS> gets sent to:from the system via a tunnel.

Search recent NANOG presentations.  Keep an eye out for "Martini

BS> One night about 6 months ago, we hosted a Internet Industry
BS> night and quite a few of our biggest customers attended.

IANAL, but I think this is helpful in establishing the critical
date of the claimed.  PIPE appears to have joined Postini in
thinking a MITM attack is something new and exotic.

I've admittedly not read the entire thread, but Squid+GRE+WCCP
comes to mind.  That combination has been around more than six

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