On Mon, 16 Aug 2004, Patrick W Gilmore wrote:

> What do you care which routers they use?  I've seen networks buy the 
> most expensive routers and run a crappy network, and I've seen people 
> run stable networks on the cheap.
> I just want my bits to flow quickly and reliably.  I don't really care 
> if you do it on Juniper, Force10, cisco, or tin-cans-and-string.

Well, with the GSR (and alike) you're paying for high MTBF, large buffers
and quick re-routing when something happens, so yes, this is a quality
issue and that's why you should care and make an informed decision.

Though I do agree with you that current internet connectivity is becoming 
more of a bulk packet forwarding service with questionable SLAs, and 
that's what people are willing to pay for, not the premium service.

Good enough, I think it's called.
Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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