On Fri, 20 Aug 2004, Drew Weaver wrote:

>             Does anyone know of a solution that offers precise methods of
> tracking bandwidth utilizations at the per Megabyte or Gigabyte level and
> not at the rate of transfer level?
> Some people are asking me if we can bill them in this manner, and I'm
> questioning whether the stats that the switch are giving us are that
> accurate.


Your counters probably reset a couple of times during the month, when they
reach some maximum value. Or perhaps because somebody power cycles the

So, no, it's not a good idea to look at the counter on day 1 and on day 30
and compare them. Check it every 5 minutes and store it in a database.
That way, the same system can do aggregate or 95th percentile, it's all in
the report script you write.


Andy Dills
Xecunet, Inc.

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