On Wed, 1 Sep 2004, Steve Francis wrote:
    > I'm sure there is research out there...

Why?  :-)

    > ...how good/bad using DNS anycast is as a kludgey traffic optimiser?

I'd hardly call it a kludge.  It's been standard best-practice for over a

    > THe question is, what is that "some" relationship?  80% as good as
    > Akamai?  Terrible?

Should be much higher than Akamai, since that's not what they're
optimizing for.  If you want nearest server, anycast will give you that
essentially 100% of the time.  Akamai tries to get queries to servers that
have enough available capacity to handle the load.  Since they're handling
bursty, high-bandwidth applications, rather than DNS.


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