On Sun, 5 Sep 2004, Matt Hess wrote:

> source hosts.. Now being as we are a secondary mx I'm dropping their record
> out of our email system as I write this, however, I am curious if other have
> gone through or are currently going through something of this magnitude (12K
> spam/dictionary msgs per hour destined to one domain and that's just what is

You want to keep a list of valid accounts on the secondary so you can refuse 
mail for non-existing accounts on the secondary too.

If you don't care about yourself -- relize that if, say, all of these mails 
have a return address forged from the same domain, you will be DOSing THAT 
site with the bounce messages.  This is enough for some people to block mail 
from you.

Chris Candreva  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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