On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Sean Donelan wrote:

Hrmmm, perhaps this hasn't been thought of yet, but this is a serious idea for things like spamassassin, or the like. For this list of domains, a decent twofold effort could happen:

1) A decent push on the part of pobox.com (previously, their focus has been on protecting lots of senders, like AOL, or Earthlink), rather than commonly-forged-phishers, to get these folks on board.

2) A big old warning (possibly for these domains themselves to opt into) as a "we know we're high risk but we have an SPF record, please check it" RDNSL.

It could even be used in some cases with SpamAssassin to inject a link into the email for the location to report such forgeries. (Such info could be kept in the RDNSL, for example).

Knowledge is Power.


Although SenderID (or whatever the final name is) is not completed yet, SPF has been around for a while and some people have been using it. But who? Do domains with SPF records have fewer phishing attacks? Fewer virus bounce-backs? Fewer spam forgiers?

According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, these are the most phished
companies.  How many are using SPF? I checked the most obvious domain name
for the companies (.COM and their country variant e.g. .CO.UK)

Company Name            Has SPF TXT record

Citibank                NO
eBay                    NO
US Bank                 NO
Paypal                  NO
Fleet                   NO
LLoyds                  NO
Barclays                NO
AOL                     YES
Halifax                 NO
Westpac                 NO
FirstUSA                NO
VISA                    NO
Earthlink               YES
e-gold                  NO
Bank One                NO
Bendigo                 NO
HSBC                    NO
MBNA                    NO
Suntrust                NO
Verizon                 NO


"there is no loyalty in the business, so we stay away from things that piss people off"

-The Boss, November 12, 2002

--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM
Site:  http://www.gushi.org

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