We use RIP extensively on the edges of our network to build a Layer3 
routed overlay between 3550/3750 switches and our 6500-based core.  At 
$2k/list for the EMI license PER SWITCH ($4k for 3750s), it just wasn't 
feasible for us to use EMI just for OSPF when all we were really 
announcing was a loopback and a /30 connected network.

We route filter and tune the RIP times down quite a bit.  Meets our needs 
on the edges.

University of Wisconsin Madison

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Abhishek Verma wrote:
> > I am sure that there would be very few people running RIP in their networks,
> Actually you'd be surprised.. its quite common as its very simple and used on a 
> lot of low end routers in favor of more cpu/memory intensive ospf/isis. I know 
> of a number of customers we have using RIP v1 and v2
> Steve

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