On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 15:44:10 -0000, "Edward B. Dreger" said:

> Huh?!  Either you're running { UUCP | some strange multihop
> relaying } or I'm totally confused.  You connect to your colo box
> directly.  There are no other hops along the way.

Unless you do final delivery on that hypothetical 1U colo box (presumably to
yourself and whoever else you give access to), the mail will almost certainly
acquire at least 1 or 2 more Received: lines while getting to the remote site.

The problem is that some tools run through *all* the Received: headers looking
for borked forward/backward chains or  hosts that are in a blacklist. So if
they saw the dialup IP address in one of the earliest Received: lines, you'd
get scored some dings on the spam-o-meter. After all, 95% of any email that
ever passed through a dialup is spam, right? ;)

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