The only event that is driving this, is Cisco wants to
dominate the Chinese market and the only way to sell
in China is to manufacture product there, using their
people to manufacture, that is how the game is played
there and for the chinese it makes sense, considering
the government there has has around 1.3 billion people
to care for.

The lack of understanding here is that Americans need
to be cared for to, with economy that providers us
with a sense of financial security.

The problem centers around jobs now being promoted for
poltical purposes as jobs, when you focus on these
jobs, you will discover they are not living wage jobs
and certainly not jobs that provide for intelligent
people staffing them.

The other issue that fits into this problem, is the
Bush administration gets $1.12 for every dollar earned
offshore from any product, so it basically doesn't
care, since it keeps the US government solvent, while
the rest of us get flushed down the tubes. Making
matter's worse is the fact, that executives that
support the Bush administration with outsourcing
offshore, are financial rewards and tax incentrives
that make it attractive to do so.

If you don't like the politics of what is happening to
you change it in November and work to turn our country
around and preserve our friendships globally in the
process. My 2 cents


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