san francisco unified school district ::

   Steve Huey
   San Francisco Unified School District
   135 Van Ness Avenue #300
   San Francisco, CA 94102
   (415) 241-6169

On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 11:42:42AM -0600, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:
>       Hello All ,  Where can I find info about this range/ip & who
>       has routing respnsibility for it ?  I have searched -all-
>       RIR's & all say they don't have any information on it at any
>       levels .  Tia ,  JimL
>       APNIC reports this which is a little bit more info , But ...
> inetnum: -
> netname:      ERX-NETBLOCK
> descr:        Early registration addresses
> remarks:      ------------------------------------------------------
> remarks:      Important:
> remarks:
> remarks:      Networks in this range were allocated by InterNIC
> remarks:      prior to the formation of Regional Internet
> remarks:      Registries (RIRs): APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and RIPE.
> remarks:
> remarks:      Address ranges from this historical space have now
> remarks:      been transferred to the appropriate RIR database.
> -- 
>        +------------------------------------------------------------------+
>        | James   W.   Laferriere | System    Techniques | Give me VMS     |
>        | Network        Engineer | 3542 Broken Yoke Dr. |  Give me Linux  |
>        | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Billings , MT. 59105 |   only  on  AXP |
>        +------------------------------------------------------------------+

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