On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, Niels Bakker wrote:

> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carlos Friacas) [Thu 28 Oct 2004, 13:38 CEST]:
> > From AS1930 (Portugal, Europe): [it works...]
> >
> > ;; Query time: 544 msec
> > ;; SERVER: 2001:503:231d::2:30#53(2001:503:231d::2:30)
> > ;; WHEN: Thu Oct 28 12:11:40 2004
> > ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 504
> >
> > ;; Query time: 547 msec
> > ;; SERVER: 2001:503:a83e::2:30#53(2001:503:a83e::2:30)
> > ;; WHEN: Thu Oct 28 12:43:23 2004
> > ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 504
> Query times using IPv6 seem significantly higher than those for IPv4 to
> both a and b.gtld-servers.net, but as far as you can trust traceroute it
> doesn't seem as if the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for each host end up in
> wildly different places...
> Anyone else care to comment?  The hop count is suspiciously lower for
> IPv6 than for IPv4, and has twice the latency (coming from Europe too).
> But again, this is traceroute `wisdom'.

Yes. Definitely there are tunnels in the path...
For now, i dont care about query times, i only wish to guarantee
reachability. The next phase will only happen when *more* tier-1s start to
sell ipv6 transit on the same basis they sell ipv4 transit for years.

>       -- Niels.
> --
> Today's subliminal thought is:

--------------                    http://www.ip6.fccn.pt/nativeRCTS2.html

         Wide Area Network (WAN) Workgroup, CMF8-RIPE, CF596-ARIN
FCCN - Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional  http://www.fccn.pt

 "Internet is just routes (140068/465), naming (millions) and... people!"

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