Wireless is a great option, if it's an option at all - I would just make
sure to get a licensed link so you don't worry about getting knocked of the
air by some rogue interferer.  In fact, I've found a source for 39-gig
radios (if the shot is less than 1.5 miles over the air) for about $3K.

Contact me off-list for that information (or wireless in general).


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeff
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:37 AM
To: Mike Lyon
Cc: Roy; North American Network Operators Group
Subject: Re: Finding information about metro private line service in
downtown SF

The Corning, FreeLink Optical Transport System looked pretty good as well 
if you have the money for it.  Handles most weather, with the exception of 


On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Mike Lyon wrote:

> Can you get roof rights at both locations? If so, can you stand on one
> roof and see the other? If yes, go wireless. You will have the capital
> cost upfront but no monthly fees to pay to your friendly telco of
> choice each month. There are plenty of companies that manafacture
> telco quality radios for instances like this. Proxim, Alavarion,
> P-Com, RadioLAN, just to name a few.
> -Mike
> On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 19:41:29 -0700, Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Oops Forgot my Sig
>> Roy Engehausen
>> Roy wrote:
>>> I have used PacBell's GIGAMAN service at a number of locations.  Its
>>> basically "managed" fiber running GigE.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
>>> Bill Garrison
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 7:32 PM
>>> Subject: Finding information about metro private line service in
>>> downtown SF
>>> Hello,
>>> I am investigating the options for linking up a new office to our
>>> (coincidentally) close datacenter in downtown San Francisco.  Both
>>> locations are SOMA and within about 10 minutes walking of each other.
>>> Calling SBC provided me with a rather clueless person telling me all
>>> about ATM, Frame Relay and other options I don't want.  To his credit,
>>> I believe I may have been defining what I want incorrectly.
>>> Since both areas are well within the same LATA (do people say that
>>> anymore?) I am simply looking for some sort of private line service be
>>> it fiber or copper.
>>> Who are the providers local to the area?  Is there any way of finding
>>> what is in the ground around me? (I know UPN Networks is in between
>>> our offices so I am confident there is fiber or copper all around us.)
>>> What are the easiest options for this sort of thing?  What kind of
>>> pricing might we be looking at?
>>> To give some perspective, we push a significant amount of bandwidth
>>> through our datacenter such that if the costs work out we would prefer
>>> a private line into our datacenter (for many reasons including cost,
>>> internet speed in the office, ability to have a backend entrance to
>>> our network for "offsite" backups, etc.).  We would also then just
>>> setup a DSL line or T1 for emergencies/failover.[1]
>>> Please reply offlist, thanks for any insight,
>>> Bill
>>> [1]: Our alternative is too just get a T1 with a DSL for manual
>>> failover but piping into our datacenter would provide a substantial
>>> number of benefits. (this is a small office with about 10 people all
>>> of whom can handle cold-swapping to DSL if ever needed...)

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