On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, Alexei Roudnev wrote:
> > If someone want to be insane -  allow him to do it; what's the problem? Is
> > this question coming from Panamian government? -:)
> when you have to comply with some insane gov't ruling at penalty of
> legal (possibly felony type actions) you will also squeal like the virtual
> pig...
> > This is internet - if I have 10 Mbit connection and 100msec latency, I can
> > use it for Voice, no way to block me; if it is 19200bits/second and 2 second
> > latency, I can not. That's all. Other methods can provide temporary reliefe
> > only.
> true, this was the arguement put forth to the folks at the time, they
> still insisted on their backwards, telco-minded thinking... Fortunately
> after a few months they saw the light and removed the requirement.
> Joe might not be that lucky, or he might be able to show precedent to
> others about why it's bad to try to block the voip.


Kindly permit me to make one brief related comment regarding your

Broadly, whether it is social/economic/governmental policy **INSERT your
favourite mandate here** [CALEA and such, to content censoring] that
require carriers/providers to make operational adjustments, a catalogue
of the ramifications, and in the large - the economic/performance impact
[among other effects] on services and subscribers does deserve greater


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