And don't forget that you still have to change your phone number when you
move a great enough distance. In IP we somehow feel it's important that
there are no geographical constraint on address use at all. That's a
shame, because even if we aggregate by contintent that would save up to
four times in the number of entries in the routing table of any router.

Not necessarily true.  I live in California.  However, 703-842-5527 is a
valid phone number for me.  It even worked for me while I was in Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico.  I can take that number pretty much any where in the
world, whether temporarily, or, even if I move there.  Some exceptions
would be the few countries that are attempting to block or make VOIP
illegal, but, otherwise, I can pretty much take a VOIP phone number
anywhere I like.

Additionally, through FXP, you can take other numbers different places
as well.

However, I agree these are exceptions, not the general case.  Nonetheless,
the problem can be solved.  I bet companies would be more willing to
renumber when switching physical locations than they are to renumber
when switching carriers at the same physical location.


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