On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Sean Donelan wrote:

> On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
> > > Yeah right.  That's why Worldcom's frame-relay network was "unusable" for
> > > about 10 days and took out part of the Chicago Board of Trade elecronic
> > > trading system.
> >
> > and to be fair it might have actually been MCI's network at that time,
> > with name changes though I'm losing track... not EVERYTHING is worldcom's
> > fault :)
> It was 100% Worldcom.  The old MCI people at the time repeatedly pointed
> out that the MCI frame-relay network (also owned by Worldcom at the time)
> wasn't effected.

a kind outside poster set me straight about the Frame outage... apparently
everything IS worldcom's fault! :) So, sorry for the confusion.

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