> >the short version of my rebuttal is: "those are not your bits to 
> >waste."
> They are if my ISP assigns them to me.  :-)

        er... not really.  they are the ISPs. 

> >second, let me add, "and it's not your routing table, either."
> I have no idea what this means.

        if you have no idea aobut the impact of address 
        assignment on routing tables, then you really should
        spend some time implementing routing policies -before-
        you burn cycles telling others about how they should
        run their networks.  no one is stoping you from implementing
        whatever prefix acceptance/forwarding policy you may
        chose to implemenet for -YOUR- customers. it is a -local- effect.
        just stop trying to tell others how to manage their
        routign tables.


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