> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 11:00 AM
> Subject: Re: "Make love, not spam"....
> Rich Kulawiec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Already noted as unbelievably stupid and dissected on Spam-L,
> I'm inclined to agree...
> > but: getting into a bandwidth contest with spammers is a guaranteed
> > loss, as they have an [essentially] infinite amount available to
> > them for free. Apparently Lycos is unaware of zombies (including
> > those hosting web sites), HTTP redirectors, rapidly-updating DNS,
> > throwaway domains, and other facts of life in the spam sewer.
> ... but this screensaver means that Lycos *also* have a botnet
> available to them.

That means they are subject to the same sanctions as a botnet.

This isn't a new issue to the operator community. We have a 
consistent opinion of this type of actvity going as far back as 
Green Card Lawyers and Sanford Wallace/Cyberpromo.

The risks are too high for this to be anything but a publicity
stunt. I can't read any German other than "bier". Is the utility
up there? I'd love to take a look at it.


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