On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 21:30 +0100, JP Velders wrote:

> > [ ... ]
> > I think the risk of ISPs handing out /64s is very small. Actually I expect
> > most of the consumer ISPs (and they are the ones with the large number
> > of customers) to hand out /128s.
> Uhm, one of my private (as in I'm the consumer) ISP's over here in
> Holland gives me a /48... Granted it's done through a tunnelserver
> and labeled experimental, but they handed out /60's when it was
> based on sixbone space...
> http://www.xs4all.nl/uk/allediensten/experimenteel/ipv6.php
> I do believe XS4All is one of the larger consumer ISP's over here.

XS4ALL is around 160k DSL lines last time I heard.
Due note that they are a clued ISP unlike many others.

The tunnelserver is only for people not using the PPP sessions.
Folks with DSL and PPP can also get 'native' IPv6 by doing a PPP6
session next to the normal PPP session.

Afaik most of the usage of the IPv6 there has moved away from 6bone and
migrated to their RIR prefix already, though users can pick between

Erik, comments and more details? :)


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