> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 4:09 PM
> Subject: Re: How many backbones here are filtering the makelovenotspam
> scr eensaver site?
> on Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 12:55:02PM -0800, Chad Skidmore wrote:
> quoting me:
> > >What's the difference? Why is everyone so upset about Lycos and
> > >nobody seems to be doing much of anything about the /existing
> > >botnets/, which conservative estimates[1] already put at anywhere
> > >from 1-3K per botnet to upwards of 1-5M hosts total[2]?
> > 
> > Well, the primary difference is that Lycos is trying to market what
> > they are doing as a "good" thing in a fairly public manner. If their
> > vigilante efforts become accepted as "OK" then it further opens the
> > door for others to take the next step towards making dDOS attacks ok
> > as long as you feel your motivations are pure. As network operators
> > we all need to make sure that we enforce our AUPs and make it known
> > that breaking those AUPs is not ok just because you feel 
> your motives
> > are pure. Most AUPs have some language that basically states that
> > dDOS and simlar activities are "bad" and we will take action if you
> > engage in said "bad" activities.
> My point was to Martin's question about what would happen if - god
> forbid - there were large botnets under the control of spammers; a
> careful reading will suggest that my major point was, duh, that there
> already are large botnets under the control of spammers.

Um, not 1 million bots - in concert. 


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