On Dec 6, 2004, at 6:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The point is that the bogon feed doesn't
need to be hooked directly into your routers.
This is what Patrick Gilmore does, i.e.
he takes the bogon feed into a managenment
system, generates an ACL and then periodically
applies the ACL to his routers. Presumably
that ACL gets checked by a clueful person
before it goes out.

Just to be clear, I did not say that is what I did, or any organization I work for did. It was just a possible suggestion, not a requirement or a statement of fact.

I'm just interested in cleaning up the cruft on the 'Net. Useless deaggregates, bogons, spoofed source, etc. You know, the things YOU can do with YOUR network and YOUR customers so _I_ do not have to deal with it.

Given how much time and effort has been spent on things like "filtering on allocation boundaries" because some big networks do not want to take some /24s when little guys multi-home, you would think everyone would get behind this and push really hard. Just seems like a much bigger win with far fewer religious questions.

But, of course, that wouldn't be nearly as fun. :)


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