> Even at an uber high charge (800/866 toll) of say $4.00 per call, they
> could still implement the changes save tons of money, and tons of 
> when their headaches go away. Maybe someone here can draft up a
> $10,000,000.00 pitch it to them become an instant millionaire and save
> Comcast some money at the same time.

Far cheaper to capture their http connection and put up
a page asking them if they use:

1. Normal mail - all email is sent via Comcast's mail
                 servers using software like Outlook,
                 Eudora and similar programs. For more
                 info click here.

2. Own mail server - all mail is sent using an in-house mail
                     server running software like sendmail,
                     Postfix, QMail, etc. For more info
                     click here.

They have to make a choice and click the SEND button in
order to free up their web browsing and there are links
to info pages that explain what this is all about and
how to configure their mail programs to play nicely.

People who choose choice number 2 can now be invited
to make sure that their mail servers are properly
configured etc. Whenever you need to solve this kind
of a problem involving lots of customers, you really
need to put a good techie and a good marketing person
together to brainstorm ideas. On their own, neither 
can solve the problem.

--Michael Dillon

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