<quote who="Joe Johnson">
> I
> have been getting automated scripts from [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
> weeks that have no way to respond, but threaten FVI and Innerwise, and
> report to all their upstreams.

I posted to NANOG about this issue week or so back.[1]  There is nobody
behind the wheel at The World and they continue to send out this odd
anti-spam spam.  Really, it's worse than the spam we recieve because they
CC everyone from the FTC to our upstreams and everyone in between and we
are forced to respond to our upstreams.

> If a real person at The World wants someone who still works at FVI that
> they can contact, I would happily provide them an address.  However, in

Eric Brunner-Williams kindly tried to connect our abuse desk to a Mr.
Barry Shein but it was to no avail.  They failed to respond to anything we
sent them to resolve the complaint and they continued to send the harshly
worded emails to us and our upstreams.

Some folks emailed me privately to suggest the emails are coming from one
of their users but I believe this is not the case.  Many more folks
emailed offlist to share their frustration at this spam coming from The
World.  Sadly, there was no resolution to this issue, we simply closed the
tickets on our end and have long since moved on to more productive


1: http://www.merit.edu/mail.archives/nanog/msg03610.html

   David A. Ulevitch - Founder, EveryDNS.Net
   http://david.ulevitch.com -- http://everydns.net

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