At 01:43 PM 12/29/04 -0500, Joe Abley wrote:
Is there an RFC that clearly states: "The internet needs to transit 1500 byte packets without fragmentation."??

Not to my knowledge, and since the hoardes of users mentioned above present a clear, deployed counter-example it seems unlikely that one will be written.

There are any number of RFCs that state that implementations SHOULD implement the capability to receive a 1500 byte payload on just about any link, and that the interface MTU or MRU SHOULD default to no smaller than that number.

That said, RFC 1042 ("Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over IEEE 802 networks.") notes that

   Note that the MTU for the Ethernet allows a 1500 octet IP datagram,
   with the MTU for the 802.3 network allows only a 1492 octet IP

For an RFC to require an MTU of 1500 octets without fragmentation would imply requiring it to not use IEEE 802.3 framing, which is to say, not use 802.1d (used to be p/q) prioritization. It would also require one to not use CPE-CPE tunnels (which often means "VPNs"), as such tunnels add an additional IP header (at least), reducing the MTU within the tunnel by that amount.

To be honest, I think we should be carefully considering Mathis' newer approach to Path MTU, described in and a more recent but expired internet draft.

   The general strategy of the new algorithm is to start with a small
   MTU and probe upward, testing successively larger MTUs by probing
   with single packets.  If the probe is successfully delivered, then
   the MTU is raised.  If the probe is lost, it is treated as an MTU
   limitation and not as a congestion signal.

The table in 5.7.1 appears wrong (it list 1492 as an MSS candidate, but neither 1460 nor 1500, so I find it rather incomprehensible). But the concept seems reasonable.

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