> From: "Stephen Sprunk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 22:42:17 -0600
> Thus spake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > as one who has been "bit" by this already - i can say amen to
> > what Rob preacheth...  the hardest part is getting folks up to
> > speed on IPv6 as a threat vector.
> Are there any layman-readable presentations or whitepapers out there that
> discuss what _new_ threat vectors IPv6 brings?  Or how firewall or ACL
> tuning might be different?
> > Swat teams that can neutralize an IPv4 based flareup in minutes/
> >hours can take days/weeks to contain a v6 channel...
> The thing about that is that, if IPv6 is identified as the channel, it's
> still quite possible to shut down IPv6 connectivity until you figure out how
> to fix things.  After all, there's nothing significant out there yet on v6
> that can't be reached with v4...


This may the case in your world, but in mine there are a few major
international research projects that are IPv6 only and I am not in a
position where I can just shut down IPv6 at some spot and assume that
customers won't notice (or at least won't care).
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Phone: +1 510 486-8634

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