Thanks for the private responses I received!

Turns out it was a AS append problem...



Quick question for the group..

How long should I be patient to wait for some /24s to become fully routable worldwide?

None of the addresses are mine, they came from the upstream (only one provider)

They are all part of the upstreams IP space, and I had assumed that they would have kept them as part of a larger block and just blackholed into their network.. Instead it seems that route filters had to be propagated WW before the traffic would leave a given AS..

I can reach the nets now (after the first day) from most of the ASs out there, as seen from But, as my luck would have it, the two nets that I connect from can't get there (die at the handoff to the next AS). I have confirmed this from other people on a few other ASs as well.

It has been two days now.. I don't want to be one of those PITA customers you guys get tired of, but I have work to get done.. How long should I sit on my hands?

Note: I would post the /24s, but I don't want to call negative attention to a SP that might be doing his/her job just fine and I just have unrealistic expectations..

Thanks in advance!


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