On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:35:23 PST, Owen DeLong said:

> >> Requesting rDNS means "I don't want to receive email from Africa".
> >
> > Having an rDNS entry for a host doesn't mean you know if it is/isn't in
> > Africa, to any higher degree of certainty than when you just had the IP
> > address.
> What he was pointing out her is that a majority of African ISPs do not even
> have the ability to assign rDNS to their address space.

Ahh.. I've had so many people of late say words to the effect of "I want rDNS
so I can implement blocking <geographical>" that I didn't realize what he
meant was "Implementing it means an Africa-shaped projectile wound in your 
foot".. ;)

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