On Wed, 19 Jan 2005, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> (2) Registrants can't "lock" domains, it's a registrar-lock.  Users
> can only ask that domains be locked.  Stupid policy, bad results.

This is not correct, prior to the new policy many registrars were
already putting control over the regsitrar-lock directly into
the registrants' hands and under the new policy if the registrar
employs it they must provide access to the registrant.

It's just called a registrar-lock to differentiate it from
the registry-lock, basically to describe at what level the
lock is set.


Mark Jeftovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Co-founder, easyDNS Technologies Inc.
ph. +1-(416)-535-8672 ext 225
fx. +1-(416)-535-0237

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