On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 00:00:29 EST, John Curran said:

> If you believe that REGISTRAR LOCK meets the need, then I've failed
> to adequately communicate my requirements.  The requirement is my
> domain remains unchanged despite complete failure or fraud of any
> number of registrars.

Do you have a requirement that the domain remain unchanged even in the
face of fraud on the part of the registry itself?  And what level of
"Yes I really mean it" documentation do you consider sufficient to
turn this *off* in case you *do* need to change something?  Does it
have to resist a forged e-mail?  Forged fax and hacking your phone system
so they can answer the confirmation callback?  Forged notarized forms
mailed to the registry rescinding the lock?  A determined "black helicopter"
attack on the part of a competitor?

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